How To Rock Cocaine In A Spoon

How To Rock Cocaine In A Spoon 3,5/5 3273 reviews

Freebase, Hive Methods Discourse       Ballistic ( Hive Bee) 04-16-01 23:22 No 184535       Freebase      I was just wondering if anyone knew a good method for freebasing Cocaine. Can one use the same method as freebasing Meth or does a different method need to be used. Any help would be much appreciated. 'I feel the need,,,,the need for speed'             b159510 ( Hive Bee) 04-16-01 23:28 No 184537       Re: Freebase      The main difference would be the product. One is a solid, and one is not.

Goiterjoe ( Hive Bee) 04-16-01 23:36 No 184543       Re: Freebase      I've heard that Sodium Hydroxide is too strong for cocaine freebasing and will rip the molecule apart.  household non-sudsy ammonia works wonders though. If pacman influenced us, we'd glide around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music. B159510 ( Hive Bee) 04-16-01 23:38 No 184544       Re: Freebase      how about baking soda             Mystic ( Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power) 04-17-01 02:05 No 184558       Re: Freebase      Disolve coke hcl in distilled water.

How To Rock Cocaine With Baking Soda

Filter out anything that doesnt immediatly disolve.  dump in some non-sudsy, clear ammonia.  coke freebase will precipitate out.  filter, dry, smoke. It's all relative my dear Watson. Ballistic ( Hive Bee) 04-17-01 02:24 No 184564       Re: Freebase      Thanks everyone. So are we talking about the ammonia that you can buy at the store for cleaning? And if so do I want the super concentrated type. And just one more thing for intertainment value. What if one would want to turn the clean freebase back to hcl again.

How To Rock Cocaine In A Spoon

How would that bee accomplished.  'I feel the need,,,,the need for speed'             Mystic ( Mystic's Path to Cosmic Power) 04-17-01 02:32 No 184567       Re: Freebase      yeah the household cleaner shit.  Make sure it doesnt have any cleaning agents in it.  the ingredients should list something like 25% ammonium hydroxide solution, and inert salts.  that should be it. I guess to turn it back to hcl you could disolve in anhydrous toluene, gas it and then wash with cold, dry acetone. It's all relative my dear Watson. Ballistic ( Hive Bee) 04-17-01 02:48 No 184570       Re: Freebase      Thanks Mystic you've been a great help. Sounds pretty easy.

Knowing that the basic difference between freebase cocaine and cocaine hydrochloride (standard cocaine) was the pH, I decided to experiment. I placed the $20 rock in a dipping dish (the kind you put olive oil in for dipping bread) and sliced open a lemon. I understand like you said, being rock doesnt mean its any better then powder form and I know that and so do you. So do most expereinced coke heads. Around the college and partys, and everywhere I go, its just a known market fact, most people dont have that perception. They think if you get a solid rock you got good shit.